
Microsoft Apologizes After Botched Windows Phone Challenge - browntheird

Microsoft is apologizing for a Windows Phone marketing campaign deceased wrong, after a tech writer "smoked" a Windows Phone exploitation an Android French telephone.

In its retail stores, Microsoft has been running a "Smoked by Windows Headphone" campaign, in which participants are challenged to use their existing smartphones to prove to beat Windows Phone in basic tasks. E.g., users are asked to send text messages to their spouses, consult the weather, or find highly rated local restaurants.

In most stores, Microsoft was offer $100 to users who could beat Windows Phone. But Microsoft upped the stakes at its Santa Clara location by offering a special version laptop valued at ended $1000. That's where Skatter Tech's Sahas Katta decided to take dormy Microsoft's challenge.

Katta's task was to bring upbound the weather in two assorted cities. Fortunately, Katta's Samsung Galaxy Nexus already had a duo of weather widgets on the plate screen, uncomparable for San Jose, California, and another for George Berkeley, California He had also jell the phone to bypass the lock screen when pressing the power clit–a built-in option for Android phones running game version 2.3 and higher.

Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Samsung Galax urceolata Link

When the gainsay began, all Katta had to do was tap the power clit. Although a store fellow with a Windows Ring was close behind, with two weather Go Tiles connected the start screen, the Galax urceolata Nexus' instant unlock gave Katta the edge.

The Microsoft Store staff didn't see it this way, and claimed that Katta had actually lost. After several employees failed to explain why, another employee stepped in and claimed that Katta's phone didn't win because its two weather locations were in the same state.

"I calmly and politely tried pointing out that I was absolutely never told nigh having to show off two different states, but at this point I realized in that respect was no point in even attempting to argue since the Microsoft Store employees clearly had no intention of even possibly discussing the possibility of considering me the winner," Katta wrote.

The story attracted lots of attention in the technical school world, getting picked up connected the news aggregation site Techmeme. On Monday, Microsoft's Superior Director (and ego-proclaimed Microsoft Evangelist) Ben Rudolph wrote on Twitter that he longed-for to make things proper, and promised Katta a laptop, a ring, and an apology.

The Verge also wrote a follow-risen story showing how Microsoft instructed store employees to avoid certain challenges against specific phones. For case, HTC's Status has a "bag-to-picture-to-post feature and a camera that switches along even quicker than Windows Phone," according to a stash awa pass around, so employees were instructed non to challenge Status users to take a picture and upload it to Facebook.

It should equal no storm that Microsoft was stacking the betting odds in its favor. "Smoked aside Windows Phone" is a marketing campaign, not an unpretentious judgement of one platform's advantages against the competition. But as long Eastern Samoa Microsoft was coaching job store employees connected how not to get beaten, it could have also taught them how to gracefully take up defeat.

Then again, one store's snafu arguably LED to more exposure for the campaign than it ever would take in received otherwise.

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